Berricle's Blog

How to Find the Perfect Wedding Band to Match your Engagement Ring

How to Find the Perfect Wedding Band to Match y...

Matching your wedding band with your engagement ring in a very personal choice, your style is unique and your ring stack should reflect that!  In this post we give you...

How to Find the Perfect Wedding Band to Match y...

Matching your wedding band with your engagement ring in a very personal choice, your style is unique and your ring stack should reflect that!  In this post we give you...

Why do Same Size Rings Fit Differently?

Why do Same Size Rings Fit Differently?

Have you ever bought a ring in a size that usually fits you perfectly, but this time it just doesn’t feel right? In this post we will try to explain...

Why do Same Size Rings Fit Differently?

Have you ever bought a ring in a size that usually fits you perfectly, but this time it just doesn’t feel right? In this post we will try to explain...